Hey parents, are you looking for a night out but need a fun and safe activity for your children? Jace's Place has you covered!
Parents Night Out will be the perfect Saturday evening event for your children that will feature games, crafts, snacks, and a whole lot more! Space is limited so please be sure to register your spot as soon as possible. Please register with Monica or Mark Martinez at 719-501-6116 or monica@jacesplace.org. The cost to participate is $25.00 per child.
Parents Night Out will happen on Saturday April 13th from 4:00pm - 8:00pm at Jace's Place within the RMSER building located off 330 Lake Avenue, Pueblo, Colorado 81004.
Saturday Apr 13, 2024
4:00 PM - 8:00 PM MDT
Jace's Place - RMSER Building
330 Lake Avenue
Pueblo, Colorado 81004
$25.00 Per Child
For questions contact Monica or Mark
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